OpenPlant Modeler Help

Fly Brace Connection - Standard tab

Used to display a list of the available connections which have been entered into the database.
Select the required connection by clicking on the entry in the list.

To predefine suitable connection data for the different shape sizes (e.g. the correct purlin size) connection parameters can be managed in a database. When the command is loaded, the database is checked and connection meeting preset conditions will be displayed in the list from which they can be selected.

The following fields can be specified and the list is filtered by the shape name. Only database entries which match the purlin selected are displayed.

Field Description Format
SHAPE Shape key for list filtering. Matches purlin shape description. Text
LENGTH Gusset plate length. Numeric
WIDTH Gusset plate width. Numeric
THICKNESS Gusset plate thickness. Numeric
OFFSETX Horizontal offset from gusset plate centre of gusset plate hole. Numeric
OFFSETY Vertical offset from gusset plate centre of gusset plate hole. Numeric
BOLTTYPE Bolt name from bolt database. Text
DIAMETER Gusset plate hole diameter. Numeric
WORKLOOSE Gusset plate hole clearance. Numeric
ANGLE Brace angle. Numeric
SHAPETYPE Brace shape type. Text
SHAPESIZE Brace shape size Text
LOWERONLY Brace extends as far as the lower hole only. Logical
PITCH1 Lower hole pitch distance. Numeric
PITCH2 Upper hole pitch distance. Numeric
BRACEBYANG Selects bracing size calculation by angle and not distance. Logical
DISTANCE Horizontal distance which the brace extends. Numeric
UPPEREND Distance brace extends beyond the upper hole. Numeric
LOWEREND Distance brace extends beyond the lower hole. Numeric
Tip: For Logical fields, 0 = No, any other number = Yes.
Note: The database is KsxPurlinBeamBraceFly and is located in a subfolder called \Plugins\KsxPurlinBeamBraceFly.